Ph.D. Rules & Results
Ordinance VI-B
- Ph.D. Ordinances August 9, 2017
- Ph.D. Ordinances February 17, 2016
- Ph.D. Ordinances August 15, 2015
- Ordinance VI-B - Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
- Notification amendment to ordinance VI-B Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Downloads of various documents
- Instructions & Ph.D. thesis Submission Forms
- Extension of date for submission of Thesis for terminal M.Phil/Ph.D. Students
- Degree in Absentia
- NET Exemption and Compliance Certificates for M.Phil/Ph.D. students according to UGC Regulations 2009-2016
Online Ph.D. Thesis Submission/Evaluation
Ph.D. Results
Provisional Certificate for Ph.D.
Please contact
Examination Branch (Ph.D.),
Room No. 204, 2nd Floor,
Gate No. 1, University of Delhi,
North Campus,